
There are a lot of new players discovering the duel commander format for the first time and seeing the huge amount of meta decks and sometimes even the prices of these decks. In this article I will write about which commanders are the best choices for new players that aren't as expensive or diffucult to play but still have a...

A new mechanic is a great way to spice up a new magic: the gathering set. Many of these new additions become beloved by the players and allow for interesting deckbuilding. When wizards released their new set for commander players: Commander 2016 they made the deckbuilding much more interesting with the addition of partner commanders. This mechanic...

Lost Caverns of Ixalan is the newest set and one of the most popular ones from the year 2023. It features many new powerful mechanics but also some really nice cards. A lot of these are quite popular in EDH decks but some of them have already started seeing play in duel commander. In this article I will mention some...

Magic's newest expansion: Lost Caverns of Ixalan has been released nearly a month ago. Among the many new and exciting cards were also new Jurassic Park cards. Most of these cards aren't really that great and won't see play outside of meaby EDH. But meaby there is one exeption, a new jund commander introduced with this set that could enter...

Esper is currently one of the best colour combinations in duel commander and in many other formats too. It is known for having both tempo and control decks. A lot has changed since the begginning of the format. In this article I will go over every esper commander that was played during these 9 years and how these colours evolved...

This monday the official duel commander commitee unveiled the newest ban/restricted announcement which banned 2 powerful cards for combo decks. The community doesn't agree with these changes as they leave the aggro decks freely dominate the format. In this article I will write about the impact of these changes and how odd they are.

Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth is one of the most popular mtg sets of all time. It printed many powerful or even broken cards for modern, EDH, legacy, vintage and also duel commander. Aragorn was one of those cards and apart of being a strong commander for EDH he has also taken the metagame by storm. In...

New sets are among the most exciting things for mtg players. These sets always contain atleast a few powerful cards but there have been instances where a new commander proved too broken. I have looked at each of the commanders currently found in the ban list and found out which ones were banned the fastest. This shows that some cards...

The preview season for Lost Caverns of Ixalan is finally over and there are many new and powerful cards to be found in the set. The brand new mechanics bring a lot of flavor to the set and there is are a ton of new commanders to try out. In this article I will go over the most interesting ones...

We are nearing the release of magic's newest set - Lost Caverns of Ixalan. The set is full of fun new cards, mechanics but also powerful commanders. In this special halloween article I will be showcasing the newest aristocrats commander that people have already started trying out builds for. The experimented decklist is at the end of the article.

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